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LDS8846 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - IXYS Corporation

Part # LDS8846
Description  4-Channel Ultra Low Dropout No Noise LED Driver
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Manufacturer  IXYS [IXYS Corporation]
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© 2009 IXYS Corp.
Doc. No. 8846DS, Rev. N1.6
Characteristics subject to change without notice
Unused LED Channels
For applications with only two or three LEDs, unused
LED can be disabled via the appropriate CTRL pins
logic states. For applications requiring 1 LED only,
the unused LED pins should be tied to VOUT.
all channels
decreased current per channel. If one LED is used
only, current per channel should be decreased four
times, or this device may drive one LED with
maximum current up to 120 mA with all channels
connected in prallel and 30 mA current per chennel.
Figure 3. Application circuit with three LEDs
Figure 4. Application circuit with two LEDs
Figure 5. Application circuit with two LEDs
Figure 5. Application circuit with one LED
Protection Mode
The LDS8846 limits output current if VOUT pin is
shorted to ground either before or after device start.
This is to prevent the device from overload in case of
short circuit at the output. Device resumes normal
operation after short removed.
If the die temperature exceeds +150°C, the driver will
enter thermal protection shutdown mode. When the
device temperature drops by about 20°C, the device
resumes normal operation.
If the input voltage is below under-voltage protection
threshold, device turns into shutdown mode with high
impedance state at VOUT and all LED pins.
LED Selection
LEDs with forward voltages (VF) ranging from 1.3 V to
4.5 V may be used. The device exhibits the highest
efficiency when VF voltage is close to VIN. If the
voltage source is a Li-ion battery, we recommend
selecting LEDs with VF at least 50 mV below
minimum expected battery discharging voltage to
extend the battery life and achieve highest efficiency.
If the minimum battery discharging voltage is limited
at 3 V, recommended VF voltage is VF = 3.0 – 0.05 =
2.95 V
External Components
The driver requires only one external component –
current setting resistor RSET. However, if device is
connected to the voltage source (battery) through
long traces, or voltage source has high electrical
noise due bad performance of other components
connected to this source, we recommend 1uF
decoupling capacitors
at the VIN and VOUT pins
located as close to he device as possible.
Power dissipates on RSET resistor is less then 100µW

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