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RT-1116 Datasheet(PDF) 3 Page - Tyco Electronics

Part # RT-1116
Description  Thermofit DR-25 Tubing Elastomeric, Fluid Resistant, Abrasion Resistant, Flexible, Heat-Shrinkable
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Manufacturer  MACOM [Tyco Electronics]
Direct Link  http://www.macom.com
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RT-1116 Datasheet(HTML) 3 Page - Tyco Electronics

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2005-2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved
Tensile Strength, Tensile Stress, and Ultimate Elongation
Three specimens of tubing shall be tested for tensile strength, tensile stress, and ultimate elongation in
accordance with ASTM D 2671. For tubing size 3/8, the specimens shall be full sections of tubing. For sizes
1/2 and larger, the specimens shall be cut with Die D of ASTM D 412. The specimens shall have 1-inch (25-
mm) bench marks, centrally located. The testing machine shall have an initial jaw separation of 1 inch (25
mm) for full sections of tubing and 2 inches (50 mm) for die cut specimens. The rate of jaw separation shall
be 20 ± 2 inches (500 ± 50 mm) per minute.
Low Temperature Flexibility
Three specimens, each 12 inches (300 mm) in length, and a mandrel selected in accordance with Table 2,
shall be conditioned at -55 ± 3°C (-67 ± 5°F) for 4 hours. For tubing sizes 3/4 or less, the specimens shall be
whole sections of tubing recovered on a stranded wire (nearest AWG which is larger than the sleeving
maximum inside diameter after unrestricted shrinkage). For tubing sizes larger than 3/4, the specimens shall
be 1/4-inch (6.3-mm) wide strips cut from tubing which has been recovered in accordance with 4.3. After 4
hours conditioning, and while still at the conditioning temperature, the specimens shall be wrapped around
the mandrel for not less than 360° in 10± 2 seconds. The specimens then shall be visually examined for
evidence of cracking.
Heat Shock
Three 6-inch (150-mm) specimens of tubing shall be conditioned for 4 hours in a 225 ± 3°C
(437 ± 5°F) oven. After conditioning, the specimens shall be removed from the oven, cooled to room
temperature, and visually examined for evidence of dripping, flowing, or cracking.
Heat Resistance
Three specimens of tubing prepared and measured in accordance with 4.3.2, shall be conditioned for 168
hours in a 150 ± 2°C (302 ± 4°F) oven. After conditioning, the specimens shall be removed from the oven,
cooled to room temperature, and tested for tensile strength and ultimate elongation in accordance with 4.3.2.
Copper Stability
Three 6-inch (150-mm) specimens of tubing shall be slid over snug- fitting, straight, clean, bare copper
mandrels, either solid or tubular. The specimens on the mandrels shall be conditioned for 24 hours in a
desiccator or similar humidity chamber at 90 to 95 percent relative humidity and
23 ± 3°C (73 ± 5°F). The specimens on the mandrels then shall be conditioned for 168 hours in a 1
50 ± 2°C (302 ± 4°F) oven. After conditioning, the specimens shall be removed from the oven and cooled to
23 ± 3°C (73 ± 5°F). The copper mandrels shall then be removed from the tubing and the tubing and copper
mandrels shall be examined. Darkening of the copper due to normal air oxidation shall not be cause for
rejection. The tubing shall be tested for ultimate elongation in accordance with 4.3.2.

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